Fun in the Sun Good News! The new, improved pool is opened for the summer, the kids and families are excited and we are once again going to do Lunch in the Sun to pass out nourishing lunches at the pool on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout the summer. We will use our kitchen to prepare the lunches (10:00 – 11:30 am) then proceed to the pool to pass them out. It was so much fun when we did this before COVID! Messiah Lutheran has volunteered to do the first week (June 5, 7, and 9). We are hoping that our Community Church can do the next week (June 12, 14 and 16). We’ll pass around signup sheets in church Sunday or you can call Jo Ann Eder, 425-0651 to volunteer. We are currently determining which other churches might participate for the following weeks. We will probably try to take at least one week a month.