Welcome to the Red Lodge Community Church Worship With Us 10 AM September 15, 2024 Worship Leader: Rev. Teressa L. Clark
If you are joining us in person, the service is at 10:00 AM Sunday School
Blessing of Animals, next Sunday, 11:30 - 12:30
Tuesday Sept 17th, Cleanup day at Church
Also Tuesday Sept. 17th, changing code on door locks
*CALL TO WORSHIP (responsive) Isaiah 64:8Judith Gregory One: Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. Many: We are the clay, One: you are the potter; Many: we are all the work of your hand.
*OPENING PRAYER (in unison) Judith Gregory Prepare the materials that make me, the soil I come from. Imbue my relationships, my activities, my alone time, and my job with nutrients perfect for the vessel you are making me into. Soften my heart, soften my will, soften my body, so that I am moveable like clay in your hands. Give me the strength to be open to your artistic vision. God, let me know you as the potter and myself as the clay. Help me trust the slow process and know that the final process will be perfect, unrepeatable, and unique—as is your plan for me.
*OPENING HYMN “O God, as with a Potter’s Hand” NCH # 550
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Children are invited to Sunday School, led by Christian Education Coordinator Zina General
SCRIPTURE 2 Corinthians 4:5-12 Judith Gregory
5 For we do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’s sake. 6 For it is the God who said, “Light will shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us. 8 We are afflicted in every way but not crushed, perplexed but not driven to despair, 9 persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed, 10 always carrying around in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies. 11 For we who are living are always being handed over to death for Jesus’s sake, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our mortal flesh. 12 So death is at work in us but life in you.
One: The Word of God for the People of God. All: Thanks Be to God.
SERMON “I Am of Clay” Dr. Lori Byron
HYMN “Have Thine Own Way” Attached
LORD’S PRAYER (using the words trespasses/trespass)
*PRAYER OF DEDICATION (responsive) One: Make us vessels for the display of your glory. Many: Do this today and each day in our lives, One: We pray these things so we might be more conformed into the image of Jesus. Many: Form us more and more like Jesus, we pray in his name. Amen.
*HYMN “Take My Life” NCH # 448
*BENEDICTION Look, Lord, on an empty vessel that needs to be filled. In faith I am weak—strengthen me. In love I am cold—warm me and make me fervent so that my love may go out to my neighbor. I doubt and am unable to trust you completely. Lord, strengthen my faith and trust in you. You are all the treasure I possess. I am poor, you are rich, and you came to have mercy on the poor. I am a sinner, you are goodness. From you I can receive goodness, but I can give you nothing. Therefore I shall stay with you.
*SENDING SONG “Peace” Songsheet, v. 1
Please join us downstairs for fellowship hosted by JoAnn Eder & Gail Stafford.
We are an Open and Affirming Church.
Transitional Pastor Teressa Clark is available for pastoral care emergencies and visits. Please contact her by calling or texting 406-717-9745 or by emailing [email protected].
Deacons serving today are Kiyoko Carlson and Jody Loeffen.
Jay West records our Sunday Worship Services. If you wish to restrict the use of photos and videos that include you, please complete the Photo/Video Opt-out form and deliver it to the church office.
Words and/or Music reprinted under OneLicense.net License #A-725904 or CCLI #294875. Opening prayer by Marissa Vonesh. Prayer of Dedication by David Platt.
THIS WEEK: Monday, September 16 9-2 Rev. Teressa L. Clark (in office) 11am Stewardship Meeting 1pm Staff Meeting 6:00 pm Theater Group (Fellowship Hall)
Tuesday, September 17 9-4 Rev. Teressa L. Clark (in office) 9am Clean up Day 9am Deacon Meeting 11am Christen Education Meeting 1:30pm Care Team Meeting Afternoon Speech Therapist (Nursey Room)
Wednesday, September 18 8 am Prayer Zoom 9am Coffee Klatch Rev. Teressa L. Clark available remotely 11 am HbH Practice 1:30pm Choir Practice 6:00 pm Theater Group
Thursday, September 19 Rev. Teressa L. Clark off Afternoon Speech Therapist (Nursey Room)
Friday, September 20 Rev. Teressa L. Cark off
Saturday, September 21 Rev. Teressa L. Cark off
************************************************************************************************************** Sun, Sept. 22, 2024 10am Worship Sunday School Worship Leader: Rev. Don Hamilton Next Week’s Volunteers Liturgist: Don Kinney Deacons: Kiyoko Carlson, Renee Gabrian Christian Education: Zina General Tech: Jay West Coffee Hour: Denece & Russ Lord
Participating in Today's Worship Worship Leader – Rev. Teressa L. Clark Liturgist - Judith Gregory Acolyte - Deacons serving today are Kiyoko Carlson & Audrey Clark Pianist – Dr Lynell Kruckeberg Choir- Marty Clague, Director, Martha Brown, Julia Childs, Jo Ann Eder, Lori Floyd, Libby Gardner, Steve Hanson, Sharyn McKenzie, Mark Sechler, Karen Simmons, Lanny Hilderman, Kathy Munson Homebrewed Harmony- Marty Clague, Steve Hanson, Jim Howe, Mark Sechler, Don Redfoot
Videography, Audio, Tech Support – Jay West
Christian Education - Zina General
Red Lodge Community Church, United Church of Christ PO Box 786, 308 South Broadway Avenue Red Lodge, MT 59068 406-446-1444 www.redlodgecommunitychurch.com
Our Transitional Pastor, Teressa Clark, is available for pastoral care emergencies and is glad to make pastoral care visits to those who are hospitalized or homebound. Please contact her directly by calling or texting 406-717-9745 or by emailing [email protected]. [email protected], Church 406-446-1444 Office Hours: M-Thurs 8am-3PM, Fri 9-1pm Dr. Lynell Kruckeberg, Music [email protected] 303-868-1434 Marty Clague, Director Choir [email protected]
For information on joining Red Lodge Community Church, please talk with any of our deacons, or contact Mark Sechler at 573-415-7722 or [email protected]. Sundays our worship service is recorded with video and audio. If you wish to restrict the use of photos and videos that include you, please complete the Photo/Video Opt-out form and deliver it to the church office.
With thanks to Jay West, our Sunday Worship Services are recorded with video and audio.
Words and/or Music reprinted under OneLicense.net License #A-725904 or CCLI #294875.
Unless otherwise indicated, printed liturgy is from the UCC Book of Worship. Call to Worship by Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, “Bringing Our Questions,” from Worship Words, worshipwords.co.uk/bringing-our-questions-thandiwe-dale-ferguson-usa/
If you'd like to download this week's bulletin, you may do so here: