Practice the welcoming hospitality of Jesus Christ,
Proclaim the living presence of the Holy Spirit.
Our Faith
Our faith is in action, living the prayer of Christ "that we may all be one." [John 17:21]
We believe in the extravagant welcome of Jesus. We accept into the congregation and as friends all who believe in God without regard to race, color, culture, age, marital status, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical ability, or mental ability.
We share a life together in work and worship, in prayer and in play. Our love of God is manifested through our compassionate care for all God’s children. The Red Lodge Community Church is a proud member of the United Church of Christ (UCC). To find out more about the UCC, please click here.
More regionally speaking, we are a part of the Montana-Northern Wyoming Conference, UCC. If you'd like to find out more about this Conference and how we work together in our little corner of the world, you can do so here.
Our Community
Our Community is composed of members and friends from every walk of life, differing nationalities, and circumstances. We are a community through the calling of the Holy Spirit and an earnest desire to make our community a better place for all following the example of Christ.
We celebrate our faith by coming together as a community to gather in God’s presence, hear God’s Word proclaimed, respond in prayer and song, and depart encouraged to do God’s work in the world. In addition to gathering on Sundays, we celebrate Worship throughout the Christian seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, and we gather for other events that mark milestones and passages in the lives of our family of faith.